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Group Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Classes

Are you looking for a spiritual practice as well as a practice that works on the physical and mental level? To connect to that place in you that is always peaceful, and full of energy, hope and enthusiasm? To see life as an adventure and opportunity for growth and new experiences, rather than a place of constraint and fear?

If so, this group Kundalini Meditation Yoga class is for you and is a great option for both beginners and more advanced yoga practitioners.

Nicky Hewett, Kundalini Yoga Practitioner and Teacher

Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan uses techniques such as Breathing (Pranayama), Movement (as warm ups and Kriyas*), Meditation (there are a huge variety of meditations in this practice), Mudra (body or hand gestures or positions), Bandha (body locks to direct and move energy), Relaxation (this is throughout the practice facilitated through directed awareness, and focussed pauses between movement or breath practices, and also during time dedicated to deep rest in Shavasana and Yoga Nidra), and Sound/Mantra (Mantra has a powerful vibrationary effect on our body and mind. Mantras can be listened to or repeated out loud, in a whisper or silently).

Combining these techniques helps you to draw your focus inward, promoting clarity and emotional balance, and supporting personal growth, greater presence and awareness, and spiritual transformation. This can bring greater fulfillment and a deeper sense of purpose to your life.

Physically Kundalini Yoga strengthens the body, improves flexibility, boosts your energy and increases your feelings of well-being, connection and positivity.

The class environment is very relaxed and cosy, and the practice allows you to participate at your own pace and level, and in your own time. Previous experience is not required.

Kriyas and Meditations vary week to week and can be quite different and diverse. This keeps the practice interesting and you are always learning new things about yourself.

*Kriya here refers to a set or single practice that may include movement, mantra, rhythmic breathing, mudra etc. It is designed to create a specific effect on the body and mind.

Join Nicky in June 2024 for a 4-week series in Witherlea, Blenheim or Online. The series will include Kundalini Yoga Kriyas and Meditations for the Neutral Mind and the Heart Centre.

In Dharma Singh Khalsa’s book ‘Meditation as Medicine’ he states this about the neutral mind. “The neutral mind does not label things with polarized qualities, such as good or bad, or loss or gain. Instead it accepts all things, and makes no judgements…. when your neutral mind is fully awake, you love without attachment, you love without judgement and you love without even the expectation of being loved in return… It is strong enough to overcome any sense of loss or separation.”

The Heart Centre refers on the physical level to the heart, lungs, and thymus gland and the on the subtle level to qualities of love, forgiveness, compassion and acceptance (for self and others). “The neutral mind and the open heart allow us to connect with not just other people but actually reality. When you reach this state of expanded awareness, it profoundly blesses your life.”

Class sizes are small and they tend to fill up so please book early to secure your spot.

Nicky is committed to helping you meet your goals, whether that is simply the accountability of attending a weekly class, or support to develop your own daily practice, and go deeper on your own personal journey.

Nicky draws on her many years of personal practice and teaching experience in Kundalini Yoga and Classical Ayurveda, as well as her training in Yin Yoga Therapy, and The Buteyko Method Breathing to inform her teaching and best support her students.


Do I need to have any previous Yoga or Meditation experience to join this course?

No this is not necessary. Classes are suitable for those new to yoga and for more experienced practitioners. Each person can practice at their own pace and depth.

How much is the series and how do I pay? Do you have a payment plan option?

The cost for a 4-week series is $100. You can pay directly via the Booking Platform (using a credit card or Paypal) or use the code ‘Discount’ when booking to make the value $0 and pay direct to Nicky’s bank account (only if in New Zealand). Your place is confirmed once payment is received. For those wishing to pay by cash or TPR or to arrange a payment plan please reach out to Nicky to arrange this.

Can I come along for a single ‘Drop-in’ Class?

Dropping in for a single class is sometimes an option (subject to availability as classes are small and often fully subscribed). If there is a drop-in space available you can join a single class for $35. Payment in advance is required to hold the place for you. Joining for the series is better value and if you are away any week, you can join the online class on Thursday evening or request a recording of that class.

How long is each class?

Each class is 90 minutes in length. The classroom is open 30 minutes before class starts if you would like to come earlier and relax, do a personal practice, or read, and there is tea served after class if you would like to stay and enjoy this.

What can I expect from a Kundalini Yoga Class?

Kundalini Yoga brings together different aspects of yoga: regulation of prana through the control and manipulation of breath (pranayama), posture (asanas), hand or body positions or gestures (mudras), exercise sets (kriyas), sound (mantra), body locks (bandha), relaxation, and meditation.

This type of yoga was designed for the householder (rather than for monks and yogis who withdrew from the world), and is known as a technology of awareness. Knowledge only becomes real wisdom when you experience it for yourself, when it becomes your own personal experience. This experience comes through regular practice. All you need is already with you. The teacher is within.

Do I need to be fit or flexible to start classes?

Not at all! You can participate at whatever level you feel comfortable to without feeling self conscious, it’s a very safe and accepting space. Not only do we all have different needs, we also feel different on different days and respecting our own needs in the moment is part of the practice. Classes have an emphasis on moving with focussed breath and with awareness on the flow of energy rather than on perfecting postures.

They are not intended as fitness classes, they are more focused on personal growth. Some classes may be mainly seated. Other classes can involve standing or postures on the back or stomach or with arms overhead. There is usually an active practice of 1 or more minutes followed by a passive observation of the flow of energy for another minute or more. A series of such practices would typically make up a Kriya.

Relaxation, breathing, and meditation are all important parts of a Kundalini Yoga practice.

What are the mantras used in Kundalini Yoga?

Mantras involve the use of sound and vibration. They are usually chanted in a monotone voice and sometimes in a more singing manner. The sound of your own voice is said to be the most healing of sounds for you.

Mantras are used to stimulate the flow of energy and still the mind. Meridian points are activated as the tongue hits the roof of the mouth and these can have a powerful effect on the brain and master glands such as the hypothalamus, pituitary, and pineal.

Mantras may be repeated out loud, in a whisper, or silently. Most students love the sensation of using their voice as part of their practice even if they have never repeated mantras in this way before. You can also opt just to listen if you prefer, and feel the sensation of sound.

Every thought has impact and results. To break old patterns, you must take the support of a thunderbolt—a mantra to cut to the core of your negative thoughts and turn their energy to positive. ” Kundalini Yoga Teacher’s Level 1 Manual.

Got more questions?

Want to check in with me before you make the decision to sign up? No problem, I’d LOVE to hear from you!

Email me at or send me a DM on Instagram @yogamarlborough or text me on What’s App +64 21 0259 2428