Would you like to learn more about your breathing patterns and how they are affecting your health, fitness and stress levels?
Would you like to breathe more freely, feel calmer, sleep better, and have more energy?
Would you like to develop your own meditation practice by creating a foundation using functional and intentional breathing with relaxation?
If any of these resonate with you then joining a small group Breathing course is a great place to start. You can opt for an Online Course or join Nicky in-person in Witherlea, Blenheim, New Zealand.
“Nicky is an excellent teacher of breathing techniques that supported my turning a significant corner in recovery from chronic fatigue. I cannot recommend Yoga Marlborough enough if wanting to deepen wellness by tuning into more awareness of ones physical state. It’s so hard to do this stuff on your own. The classes help immensely.”
GB, Buteyko Method & Pranayama Breathing Course Student
When we breathe well our breathing is light, slow, quiet, regular and through the nose during rest, sleep and exercise.
Less than optimal breathing is typically upper chest, shallow, fast and hard, and often may be through the mouth.
We don’t always notice poor breathing patterns but they are common.
They may be associated with conditions such as asthma, hayfever, insomnia, snoring, sleep apnea, anxiety, stress, trauma, racing mind, PTSD, and many other chronic conditions.
For example 75% of people with anxiety have breathing dysfunction. And 50% of people with lower back pain also have breathing dysfunction.
Even those with functional breathing can further improve their breathing to be fitter, have more energy, have more endurance and a quicker recovery after exercise.
The breath is also a powerful means to bring us into presence, to become more aware, more patient, and to be able to get out of our thoughts and experience the fullness of life and our spiritual nature.
In these small group classes you will learn how to breathe better, to recognise and correct unhelpful breathing patterns, and to understand the connection between the way you breathe and your mental and physical wellbeing.
Through simple regular practices you will be able to make changes to your habitual and automatic breathing patterns; not just while you practice but all the time.
These classes combine the wisdom of Yoga Pranayama and the Buteyko Method to provide you with a comprehensive understanding and practical tools to make permanent and positive changes to your wellbeing, personal growth, and happiness.
“I recently completed a Buteyko breathing course with Nicky. This was a small group course and Nicky is a well informed, skilled teacher. The course included a variety of breathing exercises which can be integrated into daily life. I highly recommend the course. Nicky’s teaching was gentle and inclusive with follow up and resources. Excellent experience and I’ve enrolled in the next one.”
Rae, Buteyko & Pranayama Breathing Course student
Note: Nicky also offers private 1:1 or small group sessions in person in Marlborough, New Zealand or online from wherever you are. She can also tailor programs for your company or community group that will suit your needs and budget.
2024 Breathing Classes
Limited spaces in these small group classes (book early, payment plan possible, just enquire)!
The next Breathing Course starts on 8 June ONLINE – book now!
Buteyko & Pranayama 5-session/4-week ONLINE (with replays) course starts in June .
Who are these Breathing Classes for?
Classes are for anyone wanting to improve their health, focus, sleep, and fitness by harnessing the power of their breath. Particular issues could include feeling breathlessness during exercise, feeling unable to take a satisfying breath, insomnia, snoring, sleep apnea, anxiety, stress, racing mind and thoughts, reactivity, anxiety, asthma, allergies, chronic conditions etc.
The emphasis in these classes is on functional breathing and improving any dysfunctional breathing patterns. Breathing dysfunction is extremely common and affects nearly all of us to varying degrees. We can all benefit from more awareness and better breathing.
Why improve my breathing, isn’t it automatic?
Yes, breathing does take place automatically and many of us give the way we breathe little thought, we just take it for granted. However, many people ‘over-breathe’ and this has become a widespread phenomenon that is negatively impacting our health as a population.
In these classes we will use simple and effective techniques using the Buteyko Method to make permanent positive changes to our breathing patterns so that we breathe better all the time, even while we sleep!
What is the Buteyko Method?
The Buteyko Method was introduced in the 1950s by Dr Konstantin Buteyko. Dr Buteyko was born in Ivanitsa in the Soviet Union in 1923, and studied and conducted his research in Moscow and Siberia. In the 1980s his methods gained official recognition in the Soviet Union and in the 1990s the Buteyko Method was introduced to Australia and the UK.
Dr Buteyko observed how his patients breathing became harder, faster, and more shallow as they got sicker, and introduce techniques to restore breathing to be softer, quieter, more regular, deeper, and lighter. To breathe less. He also healed himself “By reducing my deep breathing, I eliminated my malignant hypertension and fully regained my health”.
Reflecting on the simplicity and resistance to his discovery by other medical professionals, Buteyko noted, “The idea that breathing less could cure diseases was revolutionary, yet many found it too simplistic to accept”
Nicky studied with Patrick McKeown of the International Buteyko Clinic in Ireland. Patrick is the world’s leading authority on the Buteyko Method, and studied with Dr Buteyko in Russia. Over the past 20 years Patrick has focused on sharing the techniques with adults and children, and training practitioners all around the world. He has also introduced the Oxygen Advantage using breathing techniques focused more on healthy people wishing to optimise their fitness and performance.
Conditions that has been effectively treated with the Buteyko Method include asthma, allergies, insomnia, snoring, sleep apnea, anxiety, stress, trauma, PTSD, racing mind, and many chronic conditions. It is also an effective technique to develop more mindfulness, presence, and awareness.
“It’s amazing to now understand the importance of proper, functional breathing and how it affects everything in our life, such as mood, general wellbeing, and even allergy relief. I really think this is something everyone should learn and understand. We should all know how to breathe functionally/properly. Many of us don’t tend to give much thought to our breathing and aren’t aware of how much our breathing patterns directly influence our living.”
Isabel, Buteyko Method & Pranayama Breathing Course Student
What is Pranayama?
Pranayama is Yoga Breathing. The term translates to English as the management or control of Prana or Life. Prana is absorbed through the breath, the food we eat, and the energy of the sun. Pranayama deals with the most immediate way we can absorb, distribute, and retain Prana, through the breath.
In classical times practices such as Pranayama were introduced to healthy individuals who were utilising it primarily with a spiritual intent. That is, to stabilise the body and mind for the purpose of self realisation.
Typically Pranayama practices are introduced very gradually under the guidance of an experienced teacher over a number of years. In these classes Nicky uses her many years of experience with Pranayama to explain and introduce some preliminary Pranayama practices.
How much time do I need to devote to classes and practice?
Each class includes both theory and practice. You will learn relaxation and breathing techniques and we will practice together. You will then have home practices to do each day between classes. These are designed to fit into your life-style and to suit your needs so that you can start to feel positive changes right from the first week of the course.
Allow up to 60 minutes per day for your breathing exercises (it takes some planning but you will gain more time as your energy, focus, sleep, and ability to concentrate and prioritise improves). Some practices can be done in unison with your daily activities eg. while exercising, while driving or waiting or even when in conversation or in a meeting. You will never to bored again!
Yes it is a commitment. But more than worth every bit of effort you put in. The approach is little and often allowing change to be gradual, sustainable, and lasting.
The theory shared will help you to understand what the practices are doing and how the changes will affect you.
Classes are 90 minutes in length and there is time for asking questions and sharing experiences (if you wish to). We often learn from others questions and experiences and this is a valuable advantage of practising in a safe space and small group. You can also reach out directly to me during the program. I am here to support you.
There is also an individual breathing intake form to complete before the course starts so Nicky is aware of some of the breathing concerns you may be facing and any contraindications for some of the exercises.
Got more questions?
Want to check in with me before you make the decision to sign up? No problem, I’d LOVE to hear from you!
Email me at nicky@yogamarlborough.nz or send me a DM on Instagram @yogamarlborough or call/text/What’s App me at +64 21 0259 2428
“I’m beginning to feel the benefits of the breathing exercises and my energy has increased to the extent I don’t feel the need for constant bed rest! This is the first time in over two years since getting diagnosed with chronic fatigue. The breathing appears to be working to put my nervous system right when nothing else was. I’m amazed at how quickly my symptoms have subsided. Its motivating to keep going for sure.“
Glenda, Buteyko & Pranayama Breathing Course student